Thursday 29 September 2016

Life Lately: Storm of the Century

The last 24 hours have been interesting, to say the least, so I thought I would take the opportunity to give you all a quick update on the very wet world I'm living in right now. South Australia has been hit with one of it's worst storms in 50 years and while we, personally, have avoided the worst of it, it has been fairly wild! At about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the whole state lost all power - while Adelaide regained power after only about 4 hours up here in the mid north we were without it for just over 24 hours (some places are still without, poor souls!) The last 24 hours have consisted of eating sandwiches (bocconcini, tomato and spinach pesto), reading by candlelight, talking and shivering under a pile of animals (imagine a bed piled high with dogs, people and a cat all snuggled together to keep warm!) I'd like to say that the worst is passed but they are tipping another storm tonight, possibly worse than last nights! (might have to say bye bye to the power again for awhile!)

I took these photos huddled in the doorway so as not to get too wet, I know compared to many from around that state they look very mild (and they are), but I wasn't going to venture out during the worst of it and luckily for us we have had no major damage (so far). My heart goes out to those from Blyth who were hit by the worst of it, including a tornado. Stay safe South Australia!


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